Expanded Transportation Fleet


Our Expanded Transportation Fleet Our recently expanded transportation fleet is a welcomed addition the the Superior Almond team. Taking careful consideration during every step of the transportation process, Superior Almond uses only the top-of-the-line equipment [...]

Electronic Inshell Sorting


Electronic Inshell Sorting  Always improving, in 2013 Superior Almond installed Satake’s new Evolution sorting machine. This amazing machine is more commonly referred to as the "Evo" and can select the best inshell by its color, using [...]

Superior Almond Solar Power


Superior Almond Solar PowerOur expansive Superior Almond facility is located out in Three Rocks, which is on the west side of Fresno County near Cantua Creek. One thing is for sure, we never have a [...]



The Stockpiling Process Almond harvesting completely outpaces the industry’s processing ability, and a portion of the crop is normally stored in stockpiles until it can be picked up for shelling. There’s a lot of recordkeeping, [...]